MoveWell Belleville
Registered Massage Therapy and Movement Specialists
Cupping is a myofascial tool that uses the force of suction to pull connective tissues (skin and fascia) away from muscle. Fascia is the internal casing of the human body, providing structure, support and stability. Cupping provides a decompressing effect, temporarily relieving tension, increasing fascial glide and range of motion, and reducing both localized and generalized pain associated with myofascial pain dysfunction.
Cupping is done using both dry techniques in which the
cups are placed in regions of the body and are left for a
period of 5-10minutes. This method often results in the
cupping marks that can look like bruising however, they
are associate with stagnant blood flow below the
surface of the skin, the intensity can vary based on the
individual and will reduce within a week.
Moving cupping is also utilized and produces more
generalized redness that reduces immediately. Cups are
placed on the skin lightly and moved around various
restricted areas of the body.
Cupping treatments are done using silicone cups and
usually consist primarily of a combination of both dry
and moving techniques, as well as manual and active
techniques as needed.